Behind the Metal Door
January 25, 2022 - February 25, 2022
The eighty works in the Behind the Metal Door Exhibit showcase the many styles, media and decades of the art work that is housed behind the metal door of our collection room. Some of it has been acquired recently, some of it dates back to the founding of the Shafer Gallery. It is all worthy of open minded attention.
Many folks don’t realize that the Shafer Memorial Art Gallery doesn’t just host quality exhibits by regional national and international artists but also has a growing permanent art collection. Over the years the Gallery has acquired, through gift and direct acquisition a diverse body of work. Sometimes the work added to our collection has been donated as a way of sharing with our community and preserving into the future beloved works of art that have a special place in the lives of the donors. Sometimes they are donated with the tax credit attached to them in mind. On occasion, working with the Barton Community College Foundation, we receive funding that allows us to purchase works of art. Regardless of how we receive them, each work adds to the cultural treasure of our community.
Our ability to store and take care of art works is limited. Therefore, not every work of art is accepted into the permanent collection. Our criteria of selection is based upon the quality, value, and how well the offered art work meets the Gallery’s vision.
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